Wednesday, 22 October 2008

tell me a secret of love or lost love

I am in the third year of my textiles degree studying BA Hons Printed Textiles Design at the University for the Creative Arts in Farnham, Surrey. I am currently working on my major project, and it's theme is the secrets of lovers and lost lovers. I am planning to print interactive wallpapers which will act as a comfort device for the user. They will have pockets which open up and for those in love will contain pens and paper to write love letters to their loved ones, for those with broken hearts the pockets will open up to provide tissues, and other comforting things. 

So far my research has taken the following routes:

Part 1: I handmade 40 envelopes, each unique, with a stamp on the outside. Inside each envelope was two slips of paper. One paper that listed the directions for the project (eg: write your name, tell the truth, answer the questions, my address to post it to, and a request for them to include a photograph of themselves), and another paper which said "What is your name?", a randomly selected question (eg: what do you collect? what is your favourite word in the english language? etc), and finally "Tell me a secret." The responses I received were mixed and extremely varied. 

Part 2. I handed out slips of blank paper and asked people around campus to tell me a secret about love or lost love. The responses I received have been so far so good. 

For the final part of my research for this project I am writing this blog and asking everyone to visit it, and post anonymously a secret about love or lost love. I do not need to know your name. Just tell me a secret. It can be as heartfelt or heartbreaking as you want. I will not know which secrets belong to who. 

Post away, thank you!
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